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Insert own shortcode at the end of each post

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For some reasons we need a rating system of posts. On othe rposts / pages we´re using a plugin to do the yob.


Because I´m a quite newbie, I´m asking me, if ots´possible to “inject” the shortcode of the rating form [rating_form id=”4″] at the end of each post.

And, to good to be true, how to do that?

The posts here in this support-forum about hooks are beyond my knowledge, I guess….


Regards, Andreas

Hello Andreas,

yes you have to use the available hooks for it. Here is an example code in which you have to add your voting/shortcode/whatever-logic you want to use:

function my_rating($authorID, $postID) {
  // Your logic here ...

add_action('asgarosforum_after_post_message', 'my_rating', 10, 2);


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Great, so I did the following. And it works 🙂


// asgaros vote

function my_rating($authorID, $postID) {
echo do_shortcode(‘[rating_form id=”4″]‘);
add_action(‘asgarosforum_after_post_message’, ‘my_rating’, 10, 2);

Hm, now I´m confused, because on a vote on ONE post -> EVERY voting goes up.

Guess it´s not related to AsgarosFoum….but had anyone realized someting similar?


Thanks for a short hint, Andreas

You must pass the parameters $authorID, $postID …


function AsgarosForumRclAuthorLike($author_id, $author_posts) {
  global $active_addons;
  if(!$active_addons['rating-system']) return false;
  $object_id = $author_posts;
  $recall_rating_like = '<div class="rating-post rating-header">'.rcl_get_html_post_rating($object_id,'forum-page',$author_id).'</div>';
  return $recall_rating_like;

This is only an example!




Hi Yworld,

thanks for your reply. But I´ve to confess, that I don´t understand, what you´re doing in your example (sorry, I´m a beginner related to php…).

Let´s see, if I´ve undestood you:

AIM: I want to insert a voing shortcode under each post within a thread, done by a shortcode like “[rating_form id=”4″]”


So I´ve to pass the variables on each post, understood. But how to deal with your example in the post before?

The line “function my_rating($authorID, $postID)” should generate a reating for let´s say Author1 and Post23, so it should be unique? But you´re right, that doesn´t work.

May your able to explain the lines you´ve posted or give me another tipp how to work in the “[rating_form id=”4″]” shortcode (I´ve searched a lot of time in the meanwhile with google and within this and the WP forums, without success…)?


Thanks again,


what plugin are you using?

Hm, So I´ve thought about


function my_rating($authorID, $postID) {
echo do_shortcode('[rating_form id="4" post_id="postID"]');
add_action('asgarosforum_after_post_message', 'my_rating', 10, 2);

to set the post ID. The rating form used  has some instructions for bbPress:

How to use a Rating Form inside bbPress Replies?

You just need to insert the rating form shortcode after or before a reply content, Rating Form will detect automatically the current comment id.
Example code ( Change { } to [ ] ):

If you are getting the same rating result on all replies. You can try to use a function of bbPress that gets the current reply ID. Adjust the shortcode as followed:

Now we are telling this Rating Form with id 1 that the parent (post) ID is the current reply ID.
Because reply is a (custom) post type which is stored in the same place as any other post types (like post), so we are voting a unique post ID.

Rating System (Last updated: 1 year ago) This plugin does not suit. Need with api


I also thought about WP Ulike

Or any other you´ll suggest 🙂



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