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How to mark posts as solved?


Is there a way to mark posts as solved rather than close the post?

Thank you.

As far as I know, that’s not possible at the moment.

I also asked if there would be different labels.

Maybe “sell” or “sold”.

As far as I can remember, @asgaros said that he would include it in his plans for the future.

Nur ein Biker weiß, warum ein Hund seinen Kopf aus einem Autofenster steckt.
Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out a car window.

I do this by uploading an inline image of “solved” into a post, can’t do it here because Asgaros toolbox isn’t installed. I’ve put it in the uploaded files instead. It looks better if uploaded directly into the post, it is distorted when using upload files.

Uploaded files:
  • solved.png