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Frontend Utilities Addon

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Hello everyone,

Once again a small plugin u can use.

Profile Editing

Gives your users the ability to change their profile settings on frontend. It adds a AJAX overlay to the current users profile which is called by clicking the edit profile link at the bottom.

Custom Avatars

Extend your forum with custom avatars. This plugin adds a avatar uploader to the profile editor to let your users use custom avatars which are fully compatible to the WordPress get_avatar function.

Login & Register

Don’t want your users to go through admin login and register process? Frontend Utilities adds AJAX based login, register and reset password forms to your forum. You are also able to use register confirmation for your users via email.

All Features

  • Frontend profile editing
  • Frontend login, register and reset password forms
  • Force confirmation for registrations
  • Fully WordPress compatible and disk space saving custom avatars function with automated cropping and quality reducing
  • Easy Digital Downloads compatibility for the profile editing form

How to install:

  • Make sure that `Asgaros Forum` is installed and activated
  • Download `this plugin` from plugin directory in WordPress
  • Activate the plugin via `Plugins` screen in WordPress backend
  • Change settings in `WordPress Backend -> Forum -> Frontend Utilities` to your desired ones
  • Thats all – have fun!

Included languages:

  • English
  • German

To add a language you can use free software like Poedit. You’ll find the translation .pot template file in the plugins folder -> languages. If you want to share the language with others simply upload the finished file named qnso-ps-wpf-[language code].po to a post in my support forum and i will add it in the next update. You can find your [language code] here.

Demo: My support forum is using Asgaros Forum and this plugin: Visit it

Plugin link:

Support: Please use my Support Forum!

Enjoy it!

Download Links:

Uploaded files:
  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png
  • screenshot-4.png
Asgaros and klwild have reacted to this post.


Thank you very much for this helpful plugin!

Two bugs(?):

1.) It seems the color settings from asgaros forum are not adopted.

2.) My Wordpress is completly in German, but the Plugin shows English Labels.

Kind regards,


perhaps you can add a Avatar upload/change on esit profil page?

Many thanks for this!

Are there any screenshots or a demo?

Quote from Ole on May 13, 2020, 7:31 am

Two bugs(?):

1.) It seems the color settings from asgaros forum are not adopted.

2.) My Wordpress is completly in German, but the Plugin shows English Labels.

I will check for this.

Quote from ukbestrong on May 13, 2020, 11:57 am

Many thanks for this!

Are there any screenshots or a demo?

I will take some today and upload them to show you.


I’ve also planned to change some things around and add things like auto updates, frontend login, frontend register, frontend password reset, avatars and maybe some user defined profile fields.

Please notice that i work on that in my freetime after job. Caused of this it can take a while to add all this features.

Asgaros has reacted to this post.


Thanks for the little Roadmap.

I think there are so many register/login plugins/solutions out there, so you can concentrate to asgaros related functions. I tried to integrate an avatar frontend plugin today and I don’t get it, so this is most missing feature for me.

Please notice that i work on that in my freetime after job. Caused of this it can take a while to add all this features.

100% respect for this.

Kind regards,


Asgaros has reacted to this post.
Quote from Ole on May 13, 2020, 9:38 pm

Thanks for the little Roadmap.

I think there are so many register/login plugins/solutions out there, so you can concentrate to asgaros related functions. I tried to integrate an avatar frontend plugin today and I don’t get it, so this is most missing feature for me.

This will be the next feature i think. I’ve just started building it today. Fronent login is a simple thing. I thought more about a login/register toolbar on forum pages for logged out users. If u have ideas for more features feel free to tell me about it.

Small update

You can now download the plugin from my website to receive automatic updates. I’ve also fixed the two bugs with custom style and translation. It should now work without issues!

Thanks for the update.

I will have a look tomorrow on it.

If you need a beta tester for further versions, feel free to came back to me!

Ah this works great!  The only issue I have is the upload of a custom avatar so my users can avoid going to another website in order to get one.  Thank you so much!

Also, can you use html tags if enabled in settings?  It does not seem to work unless I am doing something wrong …

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