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Edit Nav Bar, Messages, Registration & Password Set forms?

Hello 🙂

Can you please tell me how to edit the following…

  1. Nav/Menu Bar: How can I edit the styling of the active page link to make it distinct so that the user knows which page she is on? e.g. When the user is on the Activity page, the word Activity should ab underlined in the menu.
  2. The message styling: How can I edit the styling of messages like “You need to log in to create posts and topics” to match my site design?
  3. Registration form: I’d like to write a note like “If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam box” as some users never receive this confirmation email. How can I add copy to the registration form confirmation message?
  4. Password set form: User is instructed to “reset password” even though they haven’t made an original which is confusing. How can I change the wording of the submit button to say “set password” instead?

Thank you,

Uploaded files:
  • 1.-Nav.png
  • 2.-Message.png
  • 3.-Reg.png
Quote from carecoop on December 10, 2019, 5:48 am

Hello 🙂

Can you please tell me how to edit the following…

  1. Nav/Menu Bar: How can I edit the styling of the active page link to make it distinct so that the user knows which page she is on? e.g. When the user is on the Activity page, the word Activity should ab underlined in the menu.
  2. The message styling: How can I edit the styling of messages like “You need to log in to create posts and topics” to match my site design?
  3. Registration form: I’d like to write a note like “If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam box” as some users never receive this confirmation email. How can I add copy to the registration form confirmation message?
  4. Password set form: User is instructed to “reset password” even though they haven’t made an original which is confusing. How can I change the wording of the submit button to say “set password” instead?

Thank you,

  1. It requires custom work in CSS that you must do yourself or by hiring a developer.
  2. You can easily change it by manually editing the language files or using a plugin like Loco Translate
  3. That is managed by wordpress. So you will have to look for a plugin that lets you modify the registration page or that allows you to create a custom one.
  4. Same at point 3


Thank you!

1. I have been editing the CSS to make the active menu item underlined. Based on the fact the element name #af-wrapper a:hover successfully affects the hover state, I tried:

#af-wrapper a:active {
text-decoration: underline !important;

…but this isn’t working? Any ideas?

2. Where can I find the language files?

Quote from carecoop on December 12, 2019, 12:18 am

2. Where can I find the language files?

… /docs /wp-content /languages /plugins / and asgaros-forum-ru_RU.po

Thank you.

  1. Nav/Menu Bar: Anyone know the CSS to edit the styling of the active page link to make it distinct so that the user knows which page she is on? e.g. When the user is on the Activity page, the word Activity should ab underlined in the menu. I tried#af-wrapper a:active {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
  2. Notifications/error messages: Any ideas how I can edit the actual wording? I edited the wording in wp-content > plugins > asgaros-forum > languages but it’s not effecting the front end.



Quote from carecoop on December 15, 2019, 12:15 am

2. Notifications/error messages: Any ideas how I can edit the actual wording? I edited the wording in wp-content > plugins > asgaros-forum > languages but it’s not effecting the front end.

this is template / source

The localization / translation file lies here
… /docs /wp-content /languages /plugins / and asgaros-forum-ru_RU.po



Hello @carecoop

You can change the login-message with a little custom-code as described in this post:

Regarding the navigation: I will try to highlight the current menu-item in one of the next updates. 🙂

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