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Custom + New Topic Form?

I love using the Asgaros forum. Thank you! I would like to figure out a way to “force” users to answer certain questions when posting into a specific category by having them fill out a customized form rather than just a subject and textarea. I only want to use it for one category, too. I am using Gravity Forms to where users can fill out a form and have it submit as a post, but I’m not sure what I can do to have it submit as a topic in the forum. I know it’s out of the scope of the functionality of this plugin, but I figured I would try and see if anyone has any ideas. Thanks in advance.

Hello @gogrw

Without coding I dont see a way to implement this in a easy way. But there are a few filters/hooks available which you can use to add custom-logic:

  • asgarosforum_editor_custom_content_bottom hook: Allows you to add custom content (forms, text, etc) to the lower-area of the editor
  • asgarosforum_after_add_topic_submit hooks: Allows you to run custom logic when a new topic gets saved into the database. Can be used for read the data from the custom-form and to save it somewhere.
  • asgarosforum_after_post_message hook: Can be used to show custom content in the lower-area of a specific post. For example you can read the saved data from the custom-form and display it at the end of the post.

I cant give you more details because I dont know/use Gravity Forms but those hints should help you to implement it.

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Thank you. This gives me a place to start. I appreciate your prompt reply! Good luck!