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Changing size and height of Icons and Forum Header

I’m almost there with finishing the Forum look, great forum software by the way!

I just have 3 things to do:

1. Change the size of the Icons
2. Change the height of the Forum header
3. Change the font size of some things

I am guessing this can all be done in the .css file. The solutions to these things I’ve seen, all involve adding code, I don’t understand why, surely, I can just change the values of these things in the original .css file. I’ll find out tomorrow I guess, when I go for a wander through it.

The last thing I will need to do is to see if I can get the profile button to link up with a custom user profile I’m creating for wordpress. Asgaros uses the wordpress default user profile page and I am going to change that because it is ugly. I don’t use the login, logout or join buttons on the forum.