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Can't upload more than one file at a time


I’m on 1.8.4 and I can’t see what is wrong so I have to ask…

I’m trying to upload four files at a time in a post. One file works just fine so I can answer my own posts to add new files in answers but that feels as if it is not the way I want to do it.
There is no error/exception thrown or other guidance to what can be wrong.
Is this a bug or something that I’ve missed in the documentation?

I’ve even set the max number of uploaded files and max upload size set to zero just to test if that was the case. But there was no change.

Hello @davidlofving

Have you clicked the “Add another file …” link under the file-selection button?

Uploaded files:
  • files.PNG
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Yes, of course. 🙂

I can add the files so that I see them as attached files and I see the progress as the files are uploaded. But it is as if when the post is to be published something goes wrong.

I can upload the files into the same post if I (after the initial post) add the files by editing the original post and adding the files one by one.

This is how I can reproduce it:

Scenario 1:

  1. Create new post (with the text in subject and post)
  2. Add four files (that are configured to be allowed as uploaded)
  3. Submit

Scenario 2:

  1. Edit already existing post
  2. Add four files (that are configured to be allowed as uploaded)
  3. Submit

In both scenarios:

Expected result: the files are attached to the post
Actual result: nothing happens and there is no errors/exceptions.

NOTE! For scenario 2 the “edit post” is still open when upload fails (when I expected the post to become updated).

Can you verify somehow if the files got uploaded to the corresponding folder? They should be located in wp-content/uploads/asgarosforum/POSTID/

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Quote from Asgaros on May 13, 2018, 5:18 pm

Can you verify somehow if the files got uploaded to the corresponding folder? They should be located in wp-content/uploads/asgarosforum/POSTID/

I deleted the files from post, and deleted them also on server (since I uploaded them one by one).
The folder (corresponding to the post#) and files are not created on server.
If I upload only one file it works as expected (with folder and file on server).

I hope you saw my edited post above with scenarios?

I cannot really reproduce this and its also working fine here.

Have you checked if this could be a problem in combination with another installed plugin and/or if this problem still occurs when you are using one of the default themes?

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I also suspect that it is due to another plugin, once all plugins disable, except the forum plugin, rename the folder on the server in XYZ and create a NEW folder (empty) with the name: Plugins.
Then first test if it works now, if YES, activate Plugin for Plugin, after each activate, test, so I found errors in my system!

Thx guys!

I will try if I can get it to work by deactivating my plugins and see if that may be the problem.