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cant change appearance?

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hi! im trying to change the colors but still the forum is shown in its original blue. is this a known bug?

freakyy85 has reacted to this post.

Hello @freakyy85

No, this is not a known bug. Problems like this are usually caused by other caching-extensions which you are using. If you are using one, try to disable the caching-plugin for the page on which your forum-shortcode is located on.

Another reason could be that the file which generates the custom-color css-rules doesnt has sufficient permissions to execute. Please access the following file with your browser and check if it generates any output:

If not, you have to ensure that the custom-color.php file has sufficient permissions on your webserver.

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-rw-r–r– 1 nextgamers psacln 3879 Aug 2 18:30 custom-color.php

It looks like the webserver has access, as it runs as that user. also i dont have any caching solution?

oh wait i have a caching solution. its nginx caching everything lemme check that.

no, nginx only caches for 5 seconds. i have no idea what is caching it. πŸ™


Have you tried to access the link (modify the domain at the beginning) which I posted? Does it generate any output?

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Forbidden? πŸ™‚


So it is definitely a permission problem. You can see how it should look like if you use this domain.

I have set the permissions for:

  • wp-content/plugins/asgaros-forum/skin (folder) toΒ 755
  • wp-content/plugins/asgaros-forum/skin/custom-color.php toΒ 644

If its still not working with those settings you have to check your .htaccess rules.

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the permissions were like that. my .htaccess, it deostn work πŸ™ dunno what to do.:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

# END WordPress

Hello @freakyy85

I try to change the way on how custom styles are included in one of the next updates. So instead of generating them dynamically via php I maybe will inject the custom style-rules directly into the head area. Lets see. πŸ™‚

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