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Blank Screen – ProfileGrid and Asgaros Forum integration issue

Thomas –

For some reason my forum is now showing a blank screen.  Nothing is appearing when you go to the forum page.  I have sent you an email with the link to my page.

Is this an issue with V6 of WordPress?

Can you help me resolve?


If I remove the [forum] shortcode I can see the standard template page for the site (  If I have the [forum] shortcode on the page all I get is a screen with no content (not even the standard template) and the footer for the site (  So it is definitely an issue with some conflict between Asgaros V2.0 and WordPress V6 (and potentially some of my other plugins).

I have tried deactivating plugins that have updated recently but no luck.

My site runs ProfileGrid (PG) and Registration Magic (RM).  I am running the latest versions of PG and RM.

If you go to you will see in developer tools that there is an uncaught RefrenceError in the profile-magic-admin-power.js .  This appears to have stopped working in the latest update (two weeks ago).

If I deactivate PG, the forum works as expected.  So there appears to be an integration issue between ProfileGrid version 4.9.6 and Asgaros forum at v 2.0.0.  I don’t really want to deactivate PG as there are some controls on access for certain groups of users that I am using but I really do want my forum back.

Any help would be appreciated.