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Is there a way with this plugin to…

  1. Limit a logged on user to only being able to read posts and download attachments?  no replies or edits.
  2. Control where attached files are stored in the back end?  I have an external app that needs to be able to access the attachment files from the site via http://FTP…but i don’t want ftp access to the folders under the wordpress installation.

Hello iqueue

1. Just close the forums and the topics you are creating so only moderators and administrators can create new topics and posts.

2. Uploads are stored in the folder wp-content\uploads\asgarosforum. If you create an FTP account with this folder as the homebase he will only have access to this folder and its sub-folders. With a configuration like this you will not have any security problems because access to folders outside of it is not possible.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Ok, i had already figured out the FTP option as you suggested.  we must think alike :).

However, i need a forum where my “Free” members can only read and search topics and posts.

My Premium and Platinum members have more ability.  Is there a way to prevent replies and new topics for my “Free” members?  Currently “Free” members are set at the “Subscriber” role in wordpress.



Hello iqueue,

I will try to add more permission-options in a future release.

What you can try is to create a category which is only visible to your platinum members maybe. For this I have a little user groups script which works in combination with the User Groups plugin from Katz Web Services.

You can have a look here.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!