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Asgaros FORUM in 2 languages… is it possible?

Hi verybody!

I needed to set 2 languages (english and italian) for my site (I have used Polylang plugin).

I was able to traslate all pages of my site. Now, for all pages, I have 2 verisons: English and Italian.

But, here my problem: I wasn’t able to have 2 different forums. At the moment, I have to decide if to mantein an Italian Forum or an English Forum…

So, here my question: is there a way to have 2 different forum? One disconnected from the other?

(Naturally I’m using Asgaros Forum and I would like to mantein it for my site)


Hello gianluca,

I think the easiest way would be to create to pages for each language and extend the forum with a parameter to show specific categories only. Here you can find a tutorial for it:

So it would look like:

  • English page
    • Category A English
    • Category B English
  • Italian page
    • Category A Italian
    • Category B Italian
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