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Asgaros and WP Multilang

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I am using the Asgaros Forum with a slightly changed appearance together with WP Multilang

The Multilanguage Switcher from WP Multilang does not change the language of the forum but only the language of the menus and widgets. You can test it by yourself (here).

I already tried the method with creating different shortcode parameters here, but that still does not change the language to another one than the default site language of the forum.

Is there a workaround for this or could You please give me a hint how to make it work?

Best Regards and thank you for having made such a great Forum plugin,

Art Man



Hello @art-man

Have you ensured that the translation-files for the language you want to use are downloaded? You should be able to find them in this folder:


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Hallo Asgaros,

The translation-files for the language are located in wp-content\languages\plugins folder. Should I also copy them to the wp-content\languages folder?

The translation-files are, asgaros-forum-de_DE.po,, asgaros-forum-fr_FR.po, asgaros-forum-en_US.po and

Should I just rease and reload them?

Thanks for responding so quickly,

Art Man

Hallo again,

One info I forgot to mention is that for example in the forum the word “days, weeks” (il y a 5 Tagen, il y a 2 Wochen) is translated but not the rest of the sentence when I change language.

Art Man

Hello @art-man

Yes, please put them in the mentioned folder because this is the default-location in WordPress for translation-files.

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Hello Asgaros,

The translation-files are now in wp-content\languages and in the wp-content\languages\plugins folder. But there is still no language change for the forum when using Multilanguage Switcher flags. Only the the menus and widgets are changing the language as You can see it here. In the forum, only the words the word “days and weeks” are translated.

Hello @art-man

This is really strange because Asgaros Forum is using text-domains and translateable string-calls for everything. And changing the language is also working fine if you change your global WordPress language. I dont know if special modifications are required to work with the multilanguage-plugin. Maybe their developers can give more information about this or have an idea what could be the issue for this problem.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Hello Asgaros,

I have looked on the page of the plugin ( and have seen that one can manage translation settings via json, by adding wpm-config.json in the root of your theme or plugin file. Or by adding functions through the filter by adding in functions.php (better use a child theme or it will be lost with the next update).

To enable translation pass an empty array in php array() or empty object in json {}. I tried this, but it doesn’t work.

There is also a known issue with function ‘get_page_by_title’ not working, because in title field are stored titles for all languages. One should use function ‘wpm_get_page_by_title( $title )’ as a solution. I tried this and it didn’t work neither.

This is very strange. By default Asgaros Forum is using with multiple languages when you are switching them via the WordPress administration. I suggest you to directly let their developers have a look into the translation-issue and notifying them that its not working with Asgaros Forum. Maybe they have an idea what could be wrong there. As mentioned before, Asgaros Forum is using text-domains and the i18n-functions to support translations, so it should be not a problem from my side.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!
It also seems very strange to me that only the days and weeks are translated and not the rest of the text of the forum. I will try to ask Valentyn Riaboshtan in his support forum ( if he can help or if he has any idea how to make both plug-ins compatible with each other.
Thanks for the extra information you gave me and the support in your forum here.
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