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A small bug with the new layout of the forum topics


Hello! Thank you for updating the view of the forum, it became very cool! But there is a small bug when viewing on a smartphone, if the user has more than 2 groups, then they somehow do not look very nice. Can you please do something about this? Thank you!

You can see it here for example:

Uploaded files:
  • Screenshot_1.jpg
  • Screenshot_2.jpg

Hello @tihjawi

Thanks for the info. This issue will be fixed with the next update. You can find the little code-change here if you want to apply it manually for the moment:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!


Thanks a lot!

By the way, I defeated the bots on my forum by enabling confirmation of registration by email in the WordPress admin panel – bots register, but they cannot confirm the mail, therefore, there is no spam 🙂

Hello @tihjawi

Which plugin are you using for this?

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!


Oh sorry, I’m moron.

I confused wordpress with another engine where I did it. In our case, WordPress sends an activation email by default and, apparently, this does not help. Strange btw..

Try plugin WPS Hide Login which blocks access to file wp-login.php with 404 error


And I found a new bug with styles: highlighting the names of the admin and moderators in a different color does not work.

Hello @sam

Can you provide me a link so I can see this issue in action?

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!



Sorry for the long answer, I didn’t see your question 🙂 Yes, here is a link to the post where the admin name is not highlighted in red.

Hello @tihjawi

This issue will be fixed with the next update:

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!